Wednesday, June 07, 2006

30 minutes to my next subject after 5 hours of break. I'm here in the library of ASCM doing reading assignments already. And school season has just began. I haven't been blogging lately because of lots of things to do. Life is an endless rollercoaster. I'm a struggling son trying to please his parents while doing his vocation. Today is a season of uprooting deep roots of bitterness in relationships. There are times when you realize that God makes you confront your unfinished businesses and you realize you are cornered, no way to escape. Those are the times when you have to come clean, surrender and let God be God. Thank God for He is full of mercy. Vocation-wise, I am faced with opportunities to serve Him to the fullest. My current unofficial motto is "impact as many people as possible through my God-given abilities." Others call it "ambition," though such sense of excellence and advancement is not totally evil. Having said that I leave God to be the sole furnace of my thoughts, motives and deeds. And may I please Him more and more each day.

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