[Taken via K750i panorama feature]
Yesterday was Christmas Day Sunday service. Church was packed. I thought it wouldn't be because it used to be that Christmas Service is attended by few. It was great. Pastor Johnson and Sis. Karen's son Kevin came with them. He came two nights ago. He stays in Hollywood, California pursuing his passion for film. After service, we went to the house dedication of Sis. Cindee & Bro. Reynold. After dedication went to Robinson's Place to spend some dead time because later the church staff has dinner with the Johnson's. Did some late Christmas shopping. At dinner in Golden Fortune, it was the traditional Lau Riat on a lazy susan. It's been a long time since I had that. The entrees were delightful: spinach soup, cold cuts, asparagus and brocolli, sweet & sour pork, pineapple rice, crabs and steamed fish. At the end of the dinner it was time for balut for the Johnsons. Kevin would go for anything. They asked me to take pictures & video from their K750i (yeah both Pastor & Sis. Karen has same phone as mine.) At the end of the night, he downed 2 balut eggs and chicken feet dimsum. Pastor Johnson had 1 egg and chicken feet. They said it wasn't as bad as it looks. After that we gave gifts and head home. Yesterday was a busy day.
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