Friday, July 30, 2004

I am OK now. :) There's a point where I need to 'drown' (again) my old self dead with everything that's God's. And it drowned. Yesterday was the end of one of our campus cells in Parada National High School. I felt we were hitting a dead end. And it wasn't serving our purpose. It was a unanimous decision between me and my assistant. I sound like a quitter, though I hesistated to give it up. Somehow I don't want to let myself down. But looking at the facts, it was a wise decision made late even, where we could have prevented early on. I have to sit with my co-leader for another 30 minutes just to let it sink in that it is over. But after our conversation, hesitation is gone, like when a burden is gone. One cell down. Two to nurture. It is a good day today.

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