Thursday, July 21, 2005

Been quite busy this past few days so I can't blog. It's funny.. or rather so absent-minded of me right now. I'm in the library this early, because of my morning class at 8AM. Last week I was late, I need to really get on time today. But when I arrived, there was no one there. Then I just remembered our professor is not coming in today because she has to go to the John Maxwell Graduation happening in Word of Hope. But it's good though. Now I can blog and write everything about the pass few days. This week is our Book of Hope events came to pass. Monday we distributed Book of Hope at Metropolitan Hospital College of Nursing. Tuesday, we did Hope Christian High School, Jin Nan Institute, and Lorenzo Ruiz Academy. Wednesday, we headed to Manila Patriotic Academy. Our team is composed of volunteers from our local church & youth, and 11 Affect Destiny volunteers from United States. They are so cool. Ate Angie Tud and Kuya Wilbert Lojo coordinated for us on this project. The Hopefest event which happened last Tuesday afternoon (5PM-6:30PM) was a success. I am really thankful to God that He is so faithful: It was at 4:45PM when students from Lorenzo Ruiz Academy was dismissed and just then we handed out Book of Hopes outside the school because we weren't allowed inside. 5PM, only 1 student present from MHCN. The following seconds became gruelling and long as I struggled and thought what would happen if no one came. But after a few minutes the students started coming in and we started at 5:30PM with 26 student visitors. Praise God! We had bands, a skit and promoted our Friday fellowship called SFX - Student Fellowship Xtreme. And the Word of God was shared through testimony and a short message. 17 students gave their life to Jesus that night. After the service it was some another hour of getting to know the students and inviting them to return on Friday. Aside from our church outreach, I am also volunteered for Gospel Church in Manila to distribute Book of Hopes in Tondo High School yesterday. Their classes are like so large, around 80-100 students per class that I have to shout and really project my voice. Today after lunch I will go to Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) with 3 of the youth leaders to help again. Tomorrow I have Sun Yat Sen High School to do Book of Hope. SFX in the evening and Art Attack - bridging event for preschool and elementary students on Saturday morning. Please, please, please, pray strength and clarity of mind for me and my team. To God be the glory! Great things He has done! So lovely the world that He gave us His Son Who yielded His life an atonement for sin And open the lifegate that all may go in

Friday, July 15, 2005

Saw this on friendster. I wouldn't say I am the 'life of the party.' But not all of it are false... THE LIFE OF THE PARTY 3's are idealists. They are very creative, social, charming, romantic, and easygoing. They start many things, but don't always see them through. They like others to be happy and go to great lengths to achieve it. They are very popular and idealistic.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Darn You Makati Traffic!!!

Woke up late for school. One hour till class. Hurried off to LRT. Rush hour. 45 minutes after I arrive in Buendia. Jeepney to Makati took an unbelievable 45 minutes because of unexplainable traffic. Darn that Makati traffic. When I arrived, the class just ended. My professor dismissed early because of an errand. Therefore, I conclude, my haste has been in vain...
Woke up today at 10AM and thought that my class was at 12PM (which was 1PM) so it was a hurry going to school. I decided to go to an alternate route to avoid the traffic because of the rally in Ayala Avenue. I arrived at school worried because this would be my second late attendance only to know that I was 40 minutes early. Our teacher was sick, but present - a Russian woman, former student of the seminary. Today is a very productive day. After class, I went to the library to work on two design projects and then proceed to work on my book reading assignments which was due already. The school suspended class at 4PM because of the rally. I was hurried out of the library and everyone seemed at adrenaline mode, running from some pending calamity. I decided to take another alternate route, en route to SM North EDSA, because I decided to get a new bag. My old backpack tore because of the heavy laptop. In Buendia, masses of demonstrators are walking to Ayala. After more pointless wanderings in the mall. I went to get a haircut finally. To my wonder, the hairdressers took notice of me because I was wearing my glasses, remarking I looked good with glasses on (ahem). The hairdresser also observed that I gained weight, which I only then noticed. It seems that I have not been controlled in my eating habits lately. Went home. Parents not around, only Lawrence. I have an 8AM class tomorrow. Less than 6 hours of sleep...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tuesday, wake up profusely sweaty. Prepared for class. It rained hard today. Took LRT and FX to school. So traffic in Buendia I had to walk very far to school today because of the rally being held in Ayala Avenue. They closed Ayala Avenue for a rally. It's sad and concerning that Eddie Villanueva messes up with politics. We, Christians, are to pray for our nation.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Monday today, rest day. Stayed home for a whole day. I'm itching to have a haircut 'cause my hair's uncontrollable when it's not maintained. Yesterday was a gruelling but fun Book of Hope training at church. We will be going to 5 schools next week to distribute Book of Hope to students.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Today, I drove to church for practice with Kevin. In Abad Santos Street, a kalesa was rolling in front of us when the horse suddenly tripped and the whole carriage fell down. It was great that I quickly turned away from the carriage otherwise we would also get in trouble. Thank God for His continuing guidance.
We Filipinos do not learn. We are sacking yet another president. When will this end? I am starting to believe we cannot handle self-governance just like the Westerners say. Where is our country headed? That's what we get for getting mesmerized on dancing and singing politicians. Now we want the most qualified leader among the three to step down - three, the president, the broadcaster and the actress. I hope the better days are coming.
If God's presence is transforming, I am definitely being transformed in my school. I love my school. It is safe and non-threatening, where you know and not just assume, feel and not just told, that you are loved. Just like playing the piano by myself alone in church. Today I mustered the courage to go to an audition for keyboards in the school band. They were in need of set of musicians who will lead worship every chapel service. It was an on the spot audition. I was just put together with other players auditioning for another instrument and now that is my band. I was nervous because most of the instrumentalist were from the music course while I think I was the only one from my course. But I did well. We played "The Potter's Hand." I am now the leader of my band. We are still in need of vocalists. I'm growing restless now that Book of Hope distribution is coming near. Some schools not yet finalized. Tasks not yet complete. And people who are consistent in making your ministry look like work. I miss school.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Once Again by Matt Redman

- Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice | You became nothing, poured out to death | Many times I've wondered at Your gift of life | And I'm in that place once again | I'm in that place once again + And once again I look upon the cross where You died | I'm humbled by Your mercy and I'm broken inside | Once again I thank You | Once again I pour out my life - Now You are exalted to the highest place | King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow | But for now, I marvel at Your saving grace | And I'm full of praise once again | I'm full of praise once again - Thank You for the cross | Thank You for the cross | Thank You for the cross, my Friend
Movies I Saw Recently:
  1. Batman Begins
  2. Hotel Rwanda
  3. War of the Worlds
  4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Books I'm Reading Recently
  1. The Bible
  2. Jesus Freaks 2
  3. We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families
  4. T3 Magazine
Stuff I Saw on TV Recently
  1. National Geographic: Cliffhangers
  2. National Geographic: Built for the Kill
  3. HBO: Wild Thornberry Movie
  4. HBO: Last Samurai
  5. Star Movies: Only You
  6. ETC: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
I'm having bad dreams since Monday... Yesterday, I woke up sweating running from armed men who raided our house, which looked like a large old mansion. Today, i had two episodes. First was I discovered that my wi-fi card broke because my brother slept on it, then we had a heated argument leaving him sobbing. Second episode I purchased a small crocodile and kept it in a large basin in our bathroom; and somehow different reptiles showed up from nowhere like snakes and alligators. I remember killing a snake with my paddle. I still wake up with muscle ache from Sunday's badminton. In the afternoon some of us youth checked out a badminton place in Quezon Avenue - Araneta area. Cost is cheap: play all you can for P100 only. We were there for 3-4 hours. After that we ate at a shawarma place in Delta. That Sunday, I drove the car for the first time by myself. Cool. Fantastic Four is showing tomorrow. Can't wait to see it.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I had a shocking discovery today. You might not know who is Dylan Klebold. On April 1999, there had been a shooting that happened in Columbine High School in Denver, Colorado where a teacher and 12 students were killed at gunpoint, including Rachel Joy Scott, a 17-year-old girl who stood up for Christ. Dylan Klebold with Eric Harris did this horrifying shooting spree. Dylan died on April 20, 1999 by suicide by blowing a gun on his head. He was born September 11, 1981. I was born that day too.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Cloud Is Moving

The youth ministry is changing form again. Recently, the youth ministry took a hard blow because the higher authorities forbade us to use the sanctuary, where we hold our large-group gatherings, during Saturday afternoon to evening - the time most condusive to youth! They say it's because we leave the sanctuary messy for Sunday morning even if we try to tidy it up. After much argument and negotiations, I finally gave in to their requests. There goes our established large-group events like Kamayan and APAW. But it dawned to me, perhaps God is moving us again. Just like the pillar of cloud in Exodus, it's time to pick up our tents and move toward unchartered grounds. It became a challenge for me and my team. Instead of whining about policies, why not look at it as a giant interesting puzzle that needs fitting and solving. Now that sounds exciting. So at the moment, we agreed that each cellgroup must develop their own activities/projects to impact the community and ourselves. And God has been doing marvelous things! First, we are doing Book of Hope in the third week of July. We have also an evangelistic bridging event called Hopefest happening that Tuesday afternoon for students. That would launch our weekly Student Fellowship every Friday at church; The Young Professional cellgroup, starting October, will do a monthly outreach to 12 impoverished 5-6 year old kids in a small Christian school in Bulacan; Brznf has done an amazing job opening a Bible Study group in his classroom during vacant period. In their first meeting, 4 students gave their life to Jesus! Praise God; The Youth Binondo group will be giving out meals to the homeless in Binondo. These excites me. I realized that I don't have to take in all that foreign ideas I hear, read and got imposed to. Before I assumed that a cellgroup SHOULD "multiply" at max one year. If not, dissolve it or get frustrated. Because that's what they saw in Singapore. But what if I have a different culture, a different reactions, a different mindset to change.. of course, I do. What if I value relationships and long lasting friendships? And taking in this ideas and failing to emulate it only makes me feel like a failure and a loser. I realize there is something on the other side of the fence of filling up the chairs on Sundays. I must unlearn the sophisticated ministry and return to the building blocks of my existence: to glorify God by sharing Him to others. I see that today it maybe moving uphill, but at least its moving, and it's good. It's time to head outward! The cloud is moving: RISE, LET US GO!
Today I had my Carecell at church. Our group is getting closer every time so it seems. After carecell we ate at Golden Fornute, a Chinese restaurant that became popular overnight because of oversized and tasteful servings. Went back to church to type in this Sunday's song powerpoints. I'll be training some youth to do powerpoint tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Yesterday we visited 2 more schools for the Book of Hope project. 1 school said ok and the other still needs to follow-up. On way to lunch with Pastor Zaldy and Ate Angie, we got a chance to see the cast of Sugo, a new GMA show, filming in Estero in Ongpin, Binondo. Richard Guttierez was there. I think they will be there often because their show has an Oriental concept going on.